Myles Plower vs Bison
Myles Plower vs Bison
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The towering giant from the West Coast has a great back-and-forth match with one of our favorite beefy Midwesterners! Big Myles Plower has been a force to reckon with here at Vertex, taking on some of our biggest and toughest and standing toe-to-toe with them. Meanwhile, Bison has been making quite a name for himself as well. The two get off to a quick start, going back-and-forth while trading chops, strikes, and shoulders to the midsection while trying to establish dominance over each other. It's Bison who strikes first, though, getting Plower down on the mat to work him over, but as we've seen over and over, Myles is no pushover! He turns the tide quickly, pushing Bison to the mat and doing his best to squeeze the life out of him. This match is full of back-and-forth action, with neither man gaining the upper hand right up until the end. These beefy titans put together a highly entertaining and fun match that you won't want to miss!
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L. Great match and love the back and forth. The slow control. Two big strong dudes getting after it and looking good doing in.