JerBear vs Ursa Major
JerBear vs Ursa Major
This is the premiere match for Vertex Video wrestling. It pits the up-and-coming JerBear versus the mountain of muscle known as Ursa Major. As Ursa enters the ring, JerBear spings into action and begins to pummel the bear even before he gets out of the shirt he wore to the ring. Leave it JerBear to be the Good Samaritan and help him to remove it (essentially so that he can use it to choke the man senseless). Once he finds Ursa breathless and disoriented he takes the opportunity to stomp and elbow him into a further state of pain and confusion. JerBear then wreaks havoc to Ursa Major with a camel clutch followed up with pec claws and gut shots that leave him reeling. JerBear then begins to soften up the back of his downed foe. A trio of suplexes are quickly capitalized on with a crippling over the shoulder backbreaker. Ursa Major struggles back against his beating and rakes JerBear’s eyes in a desperate attempt to save himself. He begins to fight back with vicious elbows and gut stomps that leave JerBear stunned on the mat. Just when it looks that the end for JerBear, a mysterious figure in purple enters the fray to beat upon Ursa Major. Together the two take Ursa Major to task and pummel him with mercy. The purple avenger slips away into the Kentucky wilderness only to be replaced by a referee. JerBear then decides that this is the perfect time for him to end Ursa’s suffering and have the ref count 1-2-3! See where it all started with this oldie but goodie!

JerBear vs Ursa Major
JerBear vs Ursa Major
JerBear vs Ursa Major
JerBear vs Ursa Major
JerBear vs Ursa Major