⚠️ Jerry Barrows-Fitzgerald is the father of Andrew, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's father abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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JerBear vs SPJ

It’s a well-known fact that JerBear cannot resist a jobber. It doesn’t really matter whether there’s a match scheduled, it’s just irresistible to him! Poor, unsuspecting SPJ is just stretching out in the ring when the boss spots his prey. He quickly hops into the ring and starts torturing his tall victim. Almost immediately, JerBear has SPJ up into a torture rack, and the fun only continues from there! JerBear lands several boots onto SPJ’s abs and then quickly flips him over into a Boston crab. At this point, JerBear is just having fun toying with his prey, lifting him up and landing him on two consecutive over-the-knee backbreakers! SPJ’s suffering is exquisite here, as JerBear flips him over and applies a camel clutch.
Not yet content, JerBear finds new and creative ways of stretching out the poor jobber and then delivers a devastating body slam. Picking him back up, he chokes SPJ on the ropes and then rips him back for a body scissor/full nelson combo. Dragging him up by his hair, JerBear then suplexes his victim and then repeatedly crashes down on his back, forcing him back to the canvas. A side suplex would have finished off SPJ, but JerBear picks him up for more fun, including a slow, torturous body slam followed by yet another false pin. A corner splash and yet another side suplex follow, and then JerBear delivers three devastating atomic drops, after which he finally dispenses with the suffering SPJ. For fans of Slater Jackson, this is one of his best squash jobs as he is thoroughly manhandled throughout!

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