⚠️ Jerry Barrows-Fitzgerald is the father of Andrew, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's father abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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JerBear vs Skyler Fox: The Rematch

In an electrifying Vertex wrestling showdown, the veteran JerBear faces off against the formidable Skyler Fox. JerBear employs a series of low blows to Skyler's crotch in a ruthless and dishonorable assault. However, Skyler Fox, known for his resilience and skill, retaliated with a vengeance. He trapped JerBear in a merciless chokehold, exerting intense pressure and showcasing his submission background. JerBear goes limp and barely clings to life as Skyler's biceps crush his throat.

Amidst the high-stakes battle, Skyler attempted his signature move, a headscissors takedown, but failed to bring down the juggernaut in one fell swoop. JerBear's experience shone through as he anticipated and countered the move, maintaining his advantage.

JerBear retaliates by trapping Sykler in a dragon sleeper, choking the young lad out with his armpit - all while pounding on his gut in a brutal, thoroughly humiliating assault. Refusing to succumb, Skyler rallied and finally succeeded in landing his headscissors takedown. His victory is short lived, however, as the veteran crushes Skyler and smothers him in a thoroughly humiliating finishing pin.

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