⚠️ Jerry Barrows-Fitzgerald is the father of Andrew, the webmaster.Click Here to learn about how Andy's father abused him, and the closure of Vertex Wrestling.
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JerBear vs Johnny Fabulous

Vertex’s owner and trainer decide to battle against each other in a matchup that pits Johnny’s skill, flexibility, and athleticism against JerBear’s size, strength, and willingness (eagerness?) to do whatever it takes. Johnny takes control at first, but the two go back-and-forth in quick succession using arm stretches, leg stretches, and other punishing holds throughout the match. JerBear even shows a surprising amount of skill here, but once the chips are down, he goes back to good old fashioned brute strength to weaken his opponent. JerBear delivers a suplex, several knees to the gut, and a Boston crab in quick succession to get to Johnny, and then slaps him into a vicious bearhug. But even after those, an elbow drop, a cheap shot to the groin, and some vicious body scissors, Johnny Fabulous is too good of a veteran to give up. Undeterred, JerBear tries out a body slam and then whips him to the rope for a classic clothesline, and then goes back to work on Fabulous’s abs, followed by another suplex and a vicious camel clutch!
JerBear really keeps the pressure on his friend, and Johnny suffers even, but he manages to crawl back into the mat as he makes JerBear miss a corner splash and delivers his own blows to the big man! Fabulous takes a few pages out of JerBear’s book, delivering a crushing head to the groin as JerBear recoils in pain! Soon, JerBear finds himself on defense as Johnny is fully ready to take advantage of the bear’s missteps. JerBear gets in more trouble than he has seen with just about any other opponent, as Fabulous even puts the bear through two suplexes and a fisherman’s suplex, but will the bear go down to the indie ring vet, or does JerBear have enough left in the tank to pull out the victory?

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