JerBear vs Jason Anders
JerBear vs Jason Anders
The match opens with lean and muscled Jason Anders splayed across the top turnbuckle staring down at JerBear like a contented cat stalking its prey. JerBear shakes his head in disbelief and calls his quarry out to the center ring. The superstars begin a verbal taunting that really needs to be heard to be believed. Anders finally gets the bear to inspect the merchandise and as JerBear pokes and prods Jason’s impressive physique he uses the opportunity to slam his fist below the belt.
With Anders momentarily stunned, JerBear bulldogs him to the mat. Jason quickly shakes this off but again falls into the trap of showing off his muscles. While the posing is pretty it ultimately results with a knee to the breadbasket. JerBear then stretches him across the ropes and piles on the hurt with forearms, fists and knees. The tanned and toned Jason is then lifted and piledriven to the mat. What should have been the end of the match turns out to just be the beginning as Anders played possum and was able to take JerBear by surprise. A series of blows to his belly lays JerBear out and allows Anders to slam down on him with an impressive splash. JerBear seems down for the count. Has JerBear met his match in this mouthy muscle man, or does he have what it takes to put him in his place?

JerBear vs Jason Anders