Herc vs Flex Powers
Herc vs Flex Powers

Usually Herc dons signature posers, but his look in this match is a departure. However, as always, he wears the gear. It doesn't wear him. He truly makes this match.
While large, Flex doesn't have the same ring presence as a wrestler. He is pretty green seeming despite knowing he has done a lot of content out there.
Always in the mood for some stocky men goin' at each other, especially their bulges. I was hoping Herc would get more of his share of ballbusts, but seeing Flex getting worked over was hot too! Liked it.
Herc and Flex are great opponents for each other. Both are burly men of size and their trunks look excellent on them.
HerC takes over on Flex early and dominates the first half of the match. The second half is mostly all Flex. There a good bit of tentativeness and hesitation in some of the moves. Maybe this out of caution but it doesn’t make for good wrestling. Once Flex gets more matches in and maybe some training with JerBear he will be more of a contender. But Flex does suffer well.
I do enjoy this video. These two need more matches together. They are quite a nice pairing