Herc vs Bison
Herc vs Bison
No Longer Available
This battle of the beef starts with the two burly behemoths sizing each other up in the center of the ring. Bison beckons and challenges Herc to a battle of strength. The two strongmen grunt and groan against each other, but it is Herc who comes out on top as he forces his opponent to his knee and then kicks him across the ring. Bison attempts to gain control by locking up with the big man but finds himself trapped in a grinding headlock. He momentarily frees himself by launching Herc into the ropes only to find the returning projectile too much to take and Bison goes flying back to the mat. Bison, frustrated by his thwarted offense, takes matters into his own hands by raking the eyes of the Olympian. Blinded, Herc is no match for the barrage of knees thrown into his breadbasket, the massive forearms thrown to his back and the kick to the gut that lays him out at Bison’s feet. Not content to manhandle him, Bison decided to pull back Herc’s trunks and spank his exposed ass with a wicked grin plastered across his face. Herc is then subjected to a multitude of pec slaps, belly crushing knees and full weight slams to exposed back. The sweaty broken heap of Herc is then cranked back in a mighty camel clutch. Can Herc take much more of this punishment? Does he have what it takes to come back, or will he just go down to defeat at the hooves of the mighty Bison?
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K. Brilliant match, two big boys in a great battle. There was only going to be one winner though. The headscissors by Herc when suspended in the corner was amazing, so hot! Herc looks fantastic in those red skimpy trunks and even keeps the wedgie he got right until the end when he gets the final submission! Real men wrestling
Nick N Herc vs Bison
R. This is a great match, Bison really takes it to Herc, but Herc's heel nature keeps peeking through. Very hot
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